Brewing is the final point of the coffee supply chain. It is the tiny glimpse that the end-customer gets to see. From start to finish, we aim for excellence. Not always perfect, but always excellent. Last week we accepted the Best Alternative Brew Experience in South Africa @thecoffeemag award. Putting the award up in the cafe felt like recognition for every step it takes to serve an excellent coffee. We are absolutely honoured.
We would like to thank all of our producer partners for the work and love they put into their produce. Every flavour experience you have had with us would not exist without them and their commitment to their craft. The coffees we are able to serve are born from the years of work before they even reach our blue roastery door.
Secondly, our roasting team. The evolution of Bluebird has leaned heavily on the progression of our roasting skills. Our two roasters have committed themselves to learning every single day and never settling.
And of course, our bar team. You are responsible for this award. In 2023 we served coffee in Johannesburg, Cape Town and Athens, Greece on top of all the brew bar experiences we have hosted at home. Thank you for pouring every coffee with passion and joy. It truly has been a year of brewing for the people.
As much as the coffee in the cup is the last piece of a complicated and intricate puzzle, it represents all of the supply chain at once. Every person along the line has had a hand in the beverage in front of you. Thank you to those who voted for us, we hope to continue brewing (but mostly drinking 😉) some tasty coffees in 2024!
Also, doesn’t Fanie look gorgeous in a jacket? 🥰