Written by: Katie Burnett
After 4 years in the coffee industry, we have learnt a lot. At Bluebird Coffee Roastery, we are learning every day, pushing our own boundaries every day. Sometimes fumbling and sometimes galloping. Nonetheless, we have learnt many lessons about what makes the industry tick.
That is the first reason for this blog: sharing and documenting what we are learning.
Our over-arching realisation has been that our industry does not exist in a vacuum – what allows the coffee industry to be what it is are its supporting acts. For us, coffee is the main thing. For most specialty coffee consumers, coffee exists in the context of culture and habit.
Specialty coffee exists within a set of experiences: human connection, social upliftment, adventure, philosophy, sport, science, creativity, wine and fashion. Coffee means more than coffee to many of us. We wanted to explore all of these supporting acts and the people of the industry on a global scale.
We want to talk about life in coffee, as it really is, alongside technical lessons in brewing and roasting.
Reading a couple of these articles might leave you wondering how the content is related to coffee. The answer is that some of it won’t be. it is rather based on who and what is holding the hand of the industry as it grows up. Every day, we witness coffee bringing people together.
From connections between rural wash station owners and first-world roasters, to old friends meeting over a flat white. These interactions are what our blog is based on.
Often, they are not discussing the coffee that sits in front of them, but it is the coffee that brought them together. In the same way, coffee is what brings this blog together.
We believe that the only way to truly progress is to be open to learning from others. We want to explore other approaches, other opinions, other perspectives and other experiences – and we want to share these with you. We get to work with incredible people and we want to ask them what they would like to share with the world, with us and with you.
Why “Two Golden Fish”
Well, when we were looking for a name for our publication,
we wanted to find something that was in line with our name, “Bluebird”.
The bluebird is a symbol of happiness,
so we followed that trail and were led to the symbol of two golden fish.
Love it guys! Look forward to reading the next one!
Great Idea!
Looking forward to more!